Case Details

Housing Choice Voucher Program


The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) (formerly known as the Section 8 Program) is a federally funded, locally administered rental assistance program that helps low-income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities afford safe, decent housing in the private market. Participants may choose any housing type that suits the needs of their family, as long as the requirements of the program are met.

Voucher Location Requirement

Vouchers through this agency can be used in Washington County ONLY locations. Find whether an address is in Washington County only HERE (not within the Hagerstown City limits). 

DIRECTIONS once at the website:


Type address into search bar


If the address shows "Hagerstown" at the top left, the address is NOT a Washington County ONLY address and is INELIGIBLE for voucher use. See example on the TOP.


If the address shows "Washington County" at the top left, the address is a Washington County only address and is ELIGIBLE for voucher use. See example on the BOTTOM.

Voucher Location Eligibility

For participants requesting to port to Washington County MD, please send the following documents:

- Letter of Introduction (including family contact information)
- HUD 52665
- Copy of Voucher
- HUD 50058
- Copies of supporting income verifications

The documents may be sent through the following:
Mail: 319 East Antietam Street, 2nd Floor
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Fax: (301) 791-2755

Current Washington County participants must request to port to another jurisdiction by submitting our Portability Request Form.  

HCV Program

Designed By: Designer JABS